Covid safety policy
The following page outlines our Covid-19 safety policy. The purpose of this document is to inform our students and their families of the new measures we are taking and the expectations we have for their participation.
We will regularly be reviewing this safety policy, as well as our individual risk assessments to ensure we keep safety at the forefront of our operation and stay in line with government guidelines as they evolve.
Updated September 2021
September 27th
What we do:
Ensure instructors are in good health, showing no Covid symptoms and are not be under quarantine restrictions for any other reason (eg travel). All instructors all double vaccinated.
Common contact points such as door handles and light switches will only be handled by instructors and cleaned regularly.
1x1m foam mats used to mark out participant spaces. Mats to be a minimum of 2m apart in each direction. Mats are to be covered with attendees own blanket and are thoroughly sanitised before and after use.
Participants will be arranged to all face forward in the same direction.
Session sizes are restricted to reflect the space available in each venue.
Instructors to ensure room is well ventilated by opening windows (and doors when possible).
Instructors to keep the contact information of attendees for 21 days to participate in test and trace measures.
What you'll do:
Please leave prams at home if possible or park them in the front reception of the venue.
Please book into sessions ahead of time (we can no longer accept drop-ins) and let us know of any additional attendees eg siblings.
Please bring a blanket to put over your mat.
When arriving please sanitise hands and sign into our test and trace system using the QR displayed at the front.
Please refrain from gathering in common areas such as reception or the hallways (you are more than welcome to come into the session early or stay later to chat/feed etc)
In school lessons & clubs
September 27th 2021
What we do:
Ensure teacher is in good health, showing no Covid symptoms and is not be under quarantine restrictions for any other reason (eg travel). All our Rock School Staff are double vaccinated.
Teacher to wash and/or sanitise hands between each lesson.
Common contact points such as door handles and light switches will only be handled by the teacher and cleaned regularly.
Any shared touch points such as desks or chairs will be cleaned before and after each lesson.
Shared equipment will be avoided if at all possible but if a Rock School guitars or other equipment are used it will be cleaned before and after.
Class groupings will be decided by the bubble format of each individual school.
Class sizes will be limited to ensure there is adequate space for students to be arranged in a safe format.
Teacher to ensure room is well ventilated by opening windows and doors.
Teacher to refrain from any high risk transmission activities including singing and close contact with students.
What you'll do:
Students to ensure they are in good health, showing no Covid symptoms and are not be under quarantine restrictions for any other reason (eg travel).
Students to arrive for their lesson at the designated teaching area (we will not be able to go fetch students from classrooms)
Students to bring their own guitar and plectrums wherever possible.